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Steven1234.com |
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Prep Items Listed on These Websites
My Family of 1234 Websites !! Check Them
All Out.

82 prep items
http://www.SOLAR1234.com is my Radio Show Website, on there are my 16
appearances on the Survival Podcast including
#1. How to Power Your House From Your Car with An Inverter
#2. Fuel and Fuel Storage - how to safely and easily store gasoline and
diesel for years
#3. How to Keep Your Refrigerator and Freezer Cold in a Blackout - Methods
involve power and no power.
#4. Generator Show #1 - Why type of generator is BEST for YOU. I
cover 7 main classes of generator.
#5. Generator Show #2 - How and why to make your generator run on natural
gas / propane and how to hook it up to your house
#6. Solar "Chicken Coop"
How to size, design and setup a small solar power system for home or
your chicken coop.
Free Family Preparedness Class is BELOW at
#7. Free Family Preparedness Class. Food and water subjects covered
EASIER than you've ever heard before.
* NO MREs * NO Dehydrated foods, * NO Survival weird stuff to buy,
* ALL off the shelf at your grocery store. * Make Emergency Bread in 30
Seconds, No kidding. * Eat Well When Others will Starve. * All DIY,
Hands On, So Simple You will say, "Why Did I Not Think of That?!", *
Instantly Store 100 Gallons of Water, NO Bathtub !
- "Mr. Harris I just wanted
to thank you for your expertise. I am
currently in day 3 without power due to an F3 tornado.
my home sustained little damage. My backup battery system has
functioned flawlessly and your advice on generators and gasoline
storage has insured my family can stay in our home while others
taken flight to local motels. I just thought I was prepared,
then I
listened to and followed your advice and now I really am
prepared." Johnnie B.
Thank you. I listened to your interview on the Self-Reliance
Summit, and so far it was the most informative and the only
interview worth hearing if you don't want to buy further
information right away. I deeply appreciate your free
information here and on your websites. We needed a push to get
more prepared, and you have inspired us with your ingenuity and
fun attitude, as well as your ability to convey useful
information without wasting time. Thank you Suzanne B.
- Thanks for
making it free. I enjoy your interviews on TSP also. You should
consider a virtual classroom similar to Khan Academy. You have a
knack for teaching. Thanks! Ash T.
- Because of your class, I got serious about family
preparedness. Thanks very much for sharing your vast knowledge.
Robert D.
(Family Prep Class) I enjoy everything that you do. You explain
emergency preparedness in an easy to understand way and you
enable your listeners to take action. I have listened to all
your podcasts and have bought and watched the Battery bank
I turned a coworker onto your page. He just bought a hunting
cabin that is off grid. I explained a little about you and your
podcasts. He called me a couple hours later and advised he has
not been getting anything done at work because he can't stop
listening to you. Keep up the good work. Eric D.
( Power Your House From Your Car
Class) - Just finished getting through the ice storm here in
Evans, Georgia (Augusta). We have had massive power outages. My
home was without power for 2 days. I had previously purchased
both a 2300 watt and 1100 watt inverter from Amazon based on
your suggestions. I have included pictures showing these
powering my home. I also have natural gas heat and was able to
provide power to the central heat system and easily heat my
home. It was great! There was also enough energy available to
power my refrigerator, freezer, lights, etc. I have purchased
your battery bank videos and listened to you on TSP. Also
purchased "Sunshine To Dollars". I have learned so much and have
shared it with others. I appreciate all you do! My wife and I
were "Ready Before The Storm Hit". Rick R.
( Power Your House From Your Car
Class) I've been listening to TSP for years and your shows
are a favorite of mine! Thanks to you, I averted disaster when
my power went out for 6 hours recently and I was able to power
my air pump for my aquaponics fish tank using my car and
inverter. Chris P.
Steve you rock. You are so generous with your time and knowledge. I'm
working my way through all your talks. Thank you! Jim M.
- "Steve's FREE
content is by far the most detailed and easiest to understand
info out there. He puts so much effort and gives it away. Then
gives you the choice to support him by buying his books and
videos and his Harris approved items ( I have almost all of
them). Which are all worth their weight in gold. Thanks Steve
for all your hard work thanks to you I have power redundancies.
I can't wait for your next TSP interview." Jose.
I enjoyed the whole class. You are easy to listen to because you
simplify hard topics and you have a passion for preparedness. I
also love you stuff on tsp. I'm getting ready to install a
battery bank in my house next week. I could not have done it
with out your pod cast. Thanks dude you rock. Jeff E.
(Power Your House From Your Car Class) About two years ago I experienced a power outage that
lasted a few hours, which seemed like an eternity with family of 4.
I soon there after followed your guidance and purchased a cobra 1500
(watt inverter) with the cables that attach directly to the battery.
Would you believe that last winter, another loss of power. (Thank you
for the advice) !!! Plugged your system to my 2012 Jeep Sahara and
BAM!!!! I became an instant HERO !! Max N
Please keep up the great work and know that you
have made a difference in my life. I haven't had time to put my battery
backup system together and the night before Thanksgiving we had a power
outage. I went out to start my generator and there was clearly an issue
with the carburetor, (I didn't have a 2 is 1 only a 1 is none as you
teach and I couldn't get it started.) Thinking of you I ran out to Home
Depot and picked up a 500w inverter (there was a whole stack of them)
and I hooked it up to my car and was able to have lights for the family
and a charging station for the kids and their electronics. I wouldn't
have known to do that if it wasn't for you and that provided some
comfort in a time of need. Please keep it up and Thanks for all you do!
You are a good man and I really appreciate all you do. Thanks and 73's
-Mike F.
Steven, Now that I've found your material, I no
longer need to wade through an ocean of websites & blogs purporting to
be able to help me prepare for natural disasters & other emergencies.
Thank you, Steven, for the wealth of information you supply so willingly
for free. You have already added so much value and peace of mind to my
role as provider/protector of my family. Your knowledge and expertise
inspire me to keep learning and keep doing. David L.
I just finished listening to your podcast on how to power your house
from your car from July, 2012. Wow! I wish I had had this information
and everything in place before the ice storm of winter 2007 left us
without power for TWO WEEKS! Thanks to you, I won't be left in the dark
again. David L.
The completeness of the class. Its obvious how much experience you have
from years of work in the field and it is obvious that you care so much
about people and are stepping up to help them. The information you
provide is the best available. Kathy G.
Thanks for all of the things I never knew. Your shorts cuts and all the
work you put in. A great service to the nation. All people need to know
this info. Thank you for your knowledge and all of your work. I. thought
I was pretty smart but found out my preps were in the dark ages.
Jack M.
Thank you so much for all you have done in spreading your wealth of
information. We just went through the most widespread power outage
in the history of our geographical area (over 700,000) customers and
because of the information you have made available we were mildly
inconvenienced rather than put into an emergency situation or suffered
losses due to food spoilage etc that so many around us did.
Thank you so much for all you do, my family is very happy because of it.
Justin F. Vancouver BC
- Good Practical info that you can use right away. You are EXCELLENT.. I
found you via the Survival Podcast and I can see why you have been on
the program so many years and part of their expert panel. I have learned
a lot from you and I would like to THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge.
Storm is coming (maybe). Got my deep cycle battery bank charging on the
Schumacher and my 800 Watt power invertor at the ready. Got the gasoline
camp stove ready. Two things I'd never have nor use if not for the one
and only Wizard of Prep: Steven Harris - Steve B.
You taught how to do things the easy way with out complicating the
issue. The whole class was good and even though you produced the
material years ago, it is still current. Thanks, Tom E.

104 prep items
http://www.Battery1234.com contains both of the Home Battery Bank podcasts (#1
and #2) and it includes a 4.5 hour HD video from Steven Harris that
shows you everything I talked about in the podcast step by step.
The first class educates you on how to select the correct battery for
you? FLA? AGM? GC2? Deep Cycle? The 2nd class is all about
how to exactly make a home battery bank and how to make a mobile battery
bank. There is enough information in the classes on how to build a home or
mobile emergency battery bank, I don't leave any details out, but the
video clearly shows you everything step by step. All hands on DIY.
In a blackout, your home battery bank will be the FIRST thing you turn
to for lights, cell phone, radios, TV and power. Its also 100%
silent. I show you how to recharge it off your car or a generator
or solar panels. DO NOT fall for these 'solar generator' scams.
They have tiny batteries, cost thousands of dollars, and don't have
enough solar to wind a watch. I show you how to do everything here
for Free.
- I just used my
Steven Harris battery back up for first time. Power went out
about 10 pm. Kids already in bed. We have a generator but winter
storm ion is rolling through and I didn't want to go out in it.
I was really concerned about my 3 year old getting up in the
middle of the night in complete darkness. I took two strands of
Christmas lights hooked them up to 800 watt inverter and
attached to golf cart battery. Problem solved. Thanks Steve.
Power came on a few hours later. Victor H.
I really appreciate all of your work. My mobile power bank has
come in handy while moving - I have a 10x30 storage unit that I
had to empty at night. I was able to light it up well and even
run a fan (it was 90 degrees) with my mobile bank. - Jason A. |
- Great production quality,
made the project seem doable and got a great refresher on
electrical work. Ben J.
- I am an older woman with absolutely no experience with
batteries, chargers, cables or inverters. Steve's videos have
given me the confidence to purchase the items, and shortly have
my battery bank I build up and running. I trust the information
he presents, as well as what items to purchase to have a great
system. Kathy H.
Great quality, great instruction. Usually when someone tries to pull
something like this off, it leaves one with more questions than answers. Not
the case with Stevens Battery Bank Videos! David M.
- A few weeks ago
we lost power here. I had my incubator set up and some eggs
getting close to hatch. No worry! Steve had me all set up and
ready to rock. I just moved my plug for the incubator over to
the inverter and battery, and wala I have power. Thanks for the
info Steve. Anthony S.
- Outstanding job Steve! Very thorough and complete information
here. It's the 'Holy Grail' of emergency power 'how to'. You've
led the horse to water, now ..... will it drink! John D.
Best money I have spent to give me piece of mind during an
emergency. Step by step instructions from someone who has tested
everything he has demonstrated. Very powerful material! I want
to thank you for sharing this! - Garth F. |
- Great video series...takes
you from Soup to Nuts. It is the "paint by numbers" approach to
building a battery back-up system. My wife watched it with
me....she's not mechanically inclined and we just went through 3
days no power after an ice storm....and our generator failed. My
wife was so motivated by your video, she said, "lets do this!"
She used your links and bought everything but the batteries on
Amazon. Great Video....great level of instruction, my wife and I
are familiar with computer based training and your video had the
right approach. Mark J.
Great website, love it! This is the best, most comprehensive
website on this subject (Battery1234.com). Matt G.
- The power at my
house went out last night just after midnight and it took me
just a few short minutes to have my led bulb equipped lamp
hooked up to my home battery backup, weather radio playing and
cell phones charging! Power was only out for a few hours, but I
was ready and got to practice my preps! What was really cool was
my wife saying "you know, I'm not worried at all. If it gets
cold, we've got the kerosene heater. If we need power, I know
you've got the battery that'll last a long time." That made my
day. Scott F.
Mr. Harris tackles the subject of making your own backup battery bank and
makes it easy to follow and he informs you why you would want to do it this
way as oppose to another way , but still gives you options. - Nick N.
- Once you get done watching
these videos you will be able to easily put together a backup
battery bank. I have been using a backup battery bank for about
4 years and this video blew my mind. This video completely takes
out the learning curve and saves you the years of mistakes and
failures that I made before getting this video.. Harlan M.
This mans research is remarkable. I haven't been disappointed by
any of his recommendations. The battery stuff is the best.
Martin D. |
Due to the location of our house we loose
power just about every time it rains hard. Living in south
Texas, when a blackout occurs at bed time the lack of air
conditioning aggravates the "no lights" situation. After the
last blackout, which lasted about 3 hrs., I decided to take
matters into my own hands and started researching the web. I
found your site - Battery1234.com and it was a God send. Now I
have a single marine battery system which is charged and
maintained by a smart charger and a 1200 watt DC/AC power
inverter. I also have a AA/AAA battery charger. Yes, all
products you recommend on your site. All products work and are
of good to excellent quality. Thank you very much for the down
to earth advice on products and systems that work. Now, I have
AA hand lamps in every room, the ability to run two fans and a
small TV and the ability to keep our iPhones charged and
batteries, pretty much all we need to sit through our weather
caused blackouts. Thanks to your advice and our simple system
our family "survived" the next blackout just a week after I had
completed the system. Once again thank you, thank you, thank
you. Gil V.
Steven's expertise and experience are amazing. He teaches
principles, so you can apply them to any situation instead of
following exact instructions. His teaching makes technical
subjects easy to understand. He gives you the ability to
purchase the items spoken about either online or locally using
detailed descriptions and model numbers when needed. This video
in addition to how to power your house from your car podcast
(above) will keep the lights on and the information flowing
when you experience your next blackout. Jason L.
Steve, Thanks again for the awesome podcast and
instructions for building my home battery bank. Woke up this morning
with no electricity. Now 2 hours later, still off. Ran the extension
cord (sized to reach all areas of upstairs from basement) to Keurig
first, yes, I have coffee, now on to computer and modem, now can work,
and have wireless. This outage should end by noon, what a convenient
addition, my in house electricity supply! So great to spend 5 minutes,
running an extension cord and having power. Steve, you are the best,
keep it up! -Lane D.
First off, I have been a long time
follower of your work. I refer all of my friends to your websites and
preach what you practice. My house is always the only home with lights
in the neighborhood when the power goes out which happens on an average
of 4 times annually. I have used my golf cart as my battery bank, but
now am getting around to making a portable kit. -Joe R. |
I just have to email and tell you that I have started watching
your video, and YOU ARE AN EXCELLENT TEACHER!! I was worried that I
would "get" how to do these projects, but I am not worried at all
anymore - I am EXCITED! Your style of teaching is exactly what I need -
every detail shown and explained in each step with nothing assumed.
Rarely have I experienced such great teaching, in school or anywhere -
To fully understand what a battery bank can, and
cannot, accomplish, Steve Harris's video will make you feel like an
expert. For example, you will fully understand the following: 1) Battery
banks work best for low wattage devices. 2) For low wattage devices in
an emergency, you will likely run out of gas for your generator (hours
to a day or two) long before you run out of battery power (weeks). In
medicine, it is far more preferable to prevent a disease than to attempt
to treat if after it has already occurred. What is true for diseases is
also true for disasters. Steve Harris can help you prepare for a variety
of disasters in the same manner that a physician can help you prevent a
variety of diseases. Dr. George T. M.D.
Fellow Floridians, the 2015 hurricane season is here and it is not too
late to start your storm preps. Steve Harris is an engineering wealth of
knowledge and can you in keep the lights on after a storm. His website
features a no-BS analysis on what works and what is crap in the world of
prepping for the home. I have followed his recommendations, purchased
several of his recommendations and he has not steered me wrong. His
solar, generator and battery bank info is spot on. I follow his advice!!
Tom M.
I just got done putting golf cart batteries in my truck box. I bought
the video from you last year and finally got everything needed to get
the job done. I have been using the setup since I first heard you after
Hurricane Sandy. I had the batteries in my garage with the charger and
inverter. It was always ready. I have lost power a half dozen times for
more than a few hours and all I had to do was run an extension cord in
to the living room. I have my house lit up with LED bulbs, my internet
and wifi broadcasting and I am watching TV. My neighbors would call me
and ask how I had power when the whole town had none. I tell them that I
have a submarine in the garage. No noise. Run Silent, Run Deep. Lonnie
The content Steven provides is solid gold! His videos are set to help
the lowest common denominator (namely, me) and are profoundly useful. I
wish I had found this a few years back, but better late than never.
Steven clearly has an encyclopedic knowledge on any subject he picks up
AND has the practical experience to go along with it. I plan to try to
absorb every bit of info he will put out there. The fact that he is
making nearly all of this information freely available is unbelievable.
Thank you so much Mr. Harris - you are saving lives out there.
Rich H.
Buy this video, then follow it!!! Steven simplifies the process to
blackout-proof your home and life. Directions start with simple steps
anyone can do, then progress gently to more sophisticated solutions.
Great stuff!!! Ashley J.
The battery bank video will take you from zero to hero. No matter if you
are already a battery expert or if your only experience with them is
changing them out of the TV remote control every six months. When you
are done watching the video, you will have the knowledge to apply what
is taught, to meet your unique and specific needs. Patrick M.
The battery bank video is an excellent step - by - step tutorial for
those that have never set up such a system. Matt F.
I have watched and read a lot of Stevens materials, and they are the
best. Very detailed explanations that make it easy for anyone, even
Forest Gump, to learn and to follow through with what is taught in the
video. Thanks. Ed P.
I didn't have any idea that you could hook up that much stuff to a
single battery. John C.
Steve, I've listened to your TSP episodes a couple times each. I already
knew a bit about emergency power from ham radio, but your lessons on
emergency power helped my family be happy during our last power outage.
We couldn't get our baby to go to sleep and I hooked a little inverter
to our marine battery and ran the baby swing off of it. I was my wife's
hero for getting that baby to sleep. Later in the outage we were having
a hard time keeping our fridge under 50F even with generator power and
we used your insulation teaching with our extra sleeping bags. I was
again my wife's hero. Thanks. Tyler R.
The most complete no-nonsense video on the subject you can find
anywhere! Janne C.
I have never seen such a complete collection of alternative energy media
in one place that has been so well tested. I have scoured the internet
looking for means of alternative energy production and this is the place
for it all!. Lance W.
This is a very comprehensive guide to building a
simple, yet exceptionally flexible Battery Bank. Whether in your
basement, closet or in your truck box. Valuable real-life examples of
when, how and why you would use it... From a simple power outage, to
tornado or other Storm, to a real and true disaster. Having lighting,
charge your cellphone, power a radio or small tv. Whether you critically
need it... or just because the wind took out a transformer, leaving you
without power to the house for a couple hours. With this, you'll be the
only one on the block that still has power. Without running a noisy
generator, until you really need to! Lyle H.
Thanks again for all you have taught me especially regarding batteries!
I finally feel comfortable enough with them that I won't burn the
house down or electrocute myself! (My previous 2 biggest fears).
Jeremiah R.
Well worth the time. I have a technical background and understand many
of the principals Steve presented. However Steve is a master of making
the complex simple. I enjoyed and have implemented many of his
suggestions. His approaches have saved me a significant amount of money
and time in trial and error. Thanks Steve. Jan K. |
Before The Storm Hits:
Proven, Easy Family Preparedness
The Easiest, Do it Now, Hands on Family Prep
You'll ever find.
by Steven Harris |
* NO MREs * NO Dehydrated foods,
* NO weird survival stuff to buy,
* ALL off the shelf at your grocery store.
* Make Emergency Bread in 30
Seconds, No kidding.
* Eat Well When Others will Starve.
* All DIY,
Hands On, so simple you will say, "Why Did I Not Think of That?!",
Instantly Store 100 Gallons of Water, NO Bathtub ! |
(Family Prep Class) Dear Mr Steven Storm Harris: Awesome
class We've begun to prepare and share and as you said the best
resource is between your ears - we will be directing others to
your class as well - Hey save those pop bottles! |
- "Thanks again Steve for bringing us your knowledge and your
"A" game. I totally mean it when I say you've changed my
life and opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. I
have listened to some of your classes over 10 times and I always
get something new from it each time I listen. " -Harlan M.
Steve's Family Class makes the
simplicity of food storage and basic needs an obtainable reality. Other
websites complicate it, make it sound intimidating. Steve makes it
easy to stat today. Jason B. |
Mr. Harris, I could go on for a long time describing how your
work has enabled my family and I to be more practically prepared
and given us the peace of mind that accompanies that, but I
would leave something out, or blunder it somehow. So I say
simply, and whole-heartedly Thank You Very Much. You are
appreciated. Tye K.
Take the time to hear these Classes... Your family, and homes are
WORTH saving! ALL of them (the classes) are the BEST out there, and do
more in less time than most others. You will hear things that will
come to mind when you need them... in their common sense simplicity,
you'll think DUHHHHH.... why didn't I think of that. In an emergency,
you need to have the information already learned and ready for use!!!
You will be on AUTO-PILOT when these things happen. WHEN, not IF they
will happen. Sooner or later, you will need this information....
guaranteed! Kathy W.
I can't recommend these classes enough! The SMARTEST and
CHEAPEST and FASTEST method to become prepared. Steve B.
There's so much info, have to listen to it again. David B.
A must buy for anyone interested in improving their odds in getting
through a survival situation, especially weather related. James M. |
Everything that you NEVER EVER thought of or have seen for a bug out bag.
Every monkey and his uncle has a video on youtube or a list of stuff on the
net about what bag to get, what food to put in, what cloths to take, what
multitool etc.... Fine..go read that. If you want to SEE stuff that
you have probably NEVER EVER SEEN BEFORE (like a mothball in a cotton ball
as an incredibly fire starter) then go to the website and watch my free
promo video, see ALL of the item that are in the video and read what I wrote
about them in my own words. The good, the bad, what they do, what they
are good for etc... This site is still in the works and its
growing. The Videos will be released hopefully Feb 3rd 2016.
EXTENSIVE reviews from people like you about the video is at
http://www.Energy1234.com |
I first finished the Bug Out Bag Video, it was 2.5 hours long. Due
to feed back and questions from my testing circle of people.
I expanded it to 3 hours 30 minutes.
This Bug Out Bag video is like nothing you've ever seen before.
3 1/2
hours of BOB items you've never thought of. Steven Harris thinks like no
one else. He teaches the military so he teaches the best of the best.
You need this video. I thought I had a very comprehensive Bug Out Bag
until this video. Now I know I have one of the best. Harlan M.
Steve Thank You! Finally common sense to help people prepare. You don't
tell me what I must have, you are helping me make decisions on gear
based on real practical, tested advice. You said it yourself best in the
Bug Out Bag video when you said I'm just educating you and allowing you
to make decisions. (21:20 into the video). Finally someone providing
helpful teaching rather than trying to sell me expensive gear I don't
really need. I started the video and didn't stop the entire time. 2.5
hours of solid teaching worth every minute I spent watching. This not
only will help me build a proper bug out bag but will save me hours of
surfing the net trying to build a complete bugout bag. Such valuable
information just packed into 2.5 hours. It is just loaded with things
you have never seen before on other sites. Gordon K.
I waited to build my bug out bag until Steve was done with this video
because I knew I'd get fresh ideas not seen anywhere else. I was not
disappointed. You won't find rehashed "what kind of bag and foods do I
need?" material in this video- you can get that anywhere. Steve presents
innovative solutions that will have you saying "ah-hah" often. Great
work! - Ryan S.Wow, I didn't even know that some of the tools
in this video existed! I love Steven Harris' "bottom-line, no nonsense"
approach to sharing his first-hand experience with various tools and his
very clever tips. He teaches you the principles you need to know to
build redundancy not just in your But Out Bag but also in your every day
life and travels. If you're looking for practical and useful
information, then check out the Bug Out Bag video! - Lee G.
WOW this is an incredibly informative video. The dude knows a lot, this
is the video to have. One of the coolest things about it is that he has
not only tested all of the products he recommends, but he has researched
and compared them against other alternatives and determined which ones
he would choose. This is all logic based, practical application. It
isn't so much "you need this tool", as it is "you need a tool that is
able to perform this function, and here is why. So make sure you buy the
one that will do that". He is also all about being price conscious,
brands don't matter, functionality does. He said it best himself in the
video, "I'm teaching you principles, not stuff." This just adds to his
credibility in my mind. He thinks beyond the immediate situation to the
"and then" scenarios, as well as providing scenarios that you may not
have thought of. This video is all about going beyond the obvious. This
video has so much information that it should have chapters and a table
of contents! If this were a book, it wouldn't be a 'how to' book, it'd
be a text book... or an encyclopedia! Kevin N.
The bug out bags video training is a well rounded insight in to the
philosophy of what to carry and why.
Steven provides pros and cons on specific carry items based on his
personal experience. His insights and
practical approach to various traveling scenarios gives you everything
you need to design a carry system
that meets you specific needs. Whether bugging out, getting home, stuck
in traffic, or traveling overseas, there is something in this video for
everyone. Patrick M.
Steve's unique, creative insight into multiple function items is sure to
be a refreshing and educational insight for people of all prepping
levels. Are you are looking into rounding out your bag making it more
useful for real world events? Perhaps the loss of use of your vehicle in
the middle of a commute due to a traffic accident or a mechanical
breakdown. Maybe an unexpected trip to the hospital, Steve is sure to
give you plenty of food for thought. Justin F.
Steven puts real world science and engineering analysis into his
recommendations, which is something I highly value. I am always excited
to watch his videos and read his sites. Don P
Steve recognizes that the most likely disasters that we face are from
regional effects of nature or man-made problems, not from the total
collapse of society. Yes, he talks about filtering water or starting a
fire, but he also covers charging your electrical batteries to operate
your cell phone or radio and how to choose a multi-meter. He stresses
the need for carrying adequate cash reserves. Although he shows
equipment, he knows that technology becomes obsolete quickly, so he
addresses the reasons for his selections, allowing the viewer to choose
models that address their personal needs. He also notes that adequate
is often better than best, when size and weight are factored in. Don J.
As usual, Steven has put together a bunch of great original thinking
that results in a very permacultured design... everything in the kit is
supported by several other elements in the kit, and each element
performs multiple functions as well, many supporting some other element
of the kit. Steven's "Two is one, One is none, Three is for me (and so
on)" philosophy results in a Bug Out Bag that isn't just resilient, it's
anti-fragile. Anti Fragility is what we all need to strive for in the
coming years. Check out this video from Steve Harris (and his many
others) and you'll be well on your way. Kyle W.
Steve does NOT present a detailed listing of items that you must have in
your Bug Out Bag. He does NOT tell you the way that you should 'Bug Out'
in a given set of circumstances. What he DOES provide is an extensive
discussion of Capabilities that you would probably like to have with you
any time you are away from home. This could be at your office, on a
business trip, during your daily commute, on vacation, or during the
proverbial disaster. In a format suitable for a kitchen table
discussion, he talks about how to back up your resources and the
capabilities you exercise in normal daily activities. He doesn't neglect
the traditional preparations for Fire, Water, Navigation, and
Communications. But he also includes how to know that you can cope with
the 'normal' glitches and inconveniences that may happen during typical
daily activities. He does give examples of how to reduce the
inconvenience of a dead cell phone battery, and of how to lessen the
discomfort of isolated (or systemic) flight cancellations. He encourages
'what if' thinking about how you can find alternates that will turn
potential crises into mere inconveniences. You will learn that Steve's
mantra is 'Two is one, one is none, and three is for me'. And he shows
how he continues to adapt inexpensive items to provide quality
alternatives. Ray R.
As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are
few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own
methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have
trouble. Harrington E.
Steve doesn't spend a lot of time on the standard fare (bags, knives,
tools); most of the ideas in this video are ones I haven't seen
elsewhere. His presentation is partially specific, tested equipment (the
electronics) and partially concepts around generic equipment you can get
anywhere (hard tools). Now for the praise: I have kept a Get Home Bag
with me for many years and have read many articles on the subject, but I
will be making several changes after having watched this video. John H.
Well the Doctor of Disaster Preparedness has done
it again. In the Bug out video you will be presented with often
overlooked items that can increase your survivability should an
unfortunate event occur. It demonstrates that you need not spend
truckloads of money on the latest survival fad tools to accomplish what
normal off-the-shelf items can accomplish just as well, if not better.
This video is not about specific items, but methods and concepts to
allow you to increase your overall preparedness. An eye opening, mind
expanding lesson in different areas of self preparedness that everyone
should consider as basic needs. James R.
Steve shows a lot of cool stuff in this video, but what sets this video
apart is that he does not fall for, or peddle, flashy and useless
garbage. And he does not advocate for a one-size fits all kit. This
video shows an array of quality equipment, and how to best maximize
their benefits. I was impressed by Steve's thoughtful attention to the
little details, and ability to select or modify gear that had multiple
functionality. Looking forward to more solid info from Steve's next
video. Corey S.
Steven Harris presents in a very straight forward way how to assemble
your own Bug Out/Get Home bag using many less expensive non specialized
items that anybody can find in local stores, proving you don't need to
buy overpriced specialty survival items to be prepared. Rick B.
If you've heard about Bug Out Bags and thought they were something for
the "prepper" crowd, think again. This is a video that may be labeled
"Bug Out Bag", but it's different. This is a video for the person who
travels a lot as well. Do you remember the last time you had a power
outage? This video has a huge section on flashlights and batteries. Have
you ever been in a hotel room when it lost power? Strange, unfamiliar
place, no lights? Yeah, it can be a bit scary. Wouldn't you like to have
the means to provide light? This video will show you how, with. multiple
options. If you are of the "Preparedness" mindset, this video has things
for you as well. How do you deal with the need for water when your not
at home? There are some really good suggestions here. Do you have a leatherman style tool? Have you ever tried to use the saw? How about the
screwdriver? Not real practical are they? This video will show you some
options that are more ergonomic and, well, better. Lot's of good
information here. There are things that this Scoutmaster will be sharing
with his troop in the near future. Rick D.
This video is very well done and packed with information! For me, the
true test on whether this was a useful video or not is to answer this
question "After finishing the video, did it change your preps in any
way?" and the answer for me is "YES". I thought that my bag pretty much
had everything in it, but realized that some things need to be changed
for a better version, and some things I was just flat out missing
because I never considered that scenario until Steve brought it up. If
you want those nagging questions in your head about do you have what you
need for EDC, or is your bag really complete?" then I would highly
recommend this video. Mike D.
Smooth download...flawless play back online...not to mention great
delivery of some great new ideas, items and hacks. I enjoyed and learned
throughout the the entire presentation. This is a well thought out and
presented video that offers many new ideas and ways of approaching a
topic that has been covered ad nausea on Youtube by persons unqualified
or flying by the seat of their pant presenting their ideas and a topic
that has the lives of many people hanging in the balance. If you have
ever watched any of Steve's other videos you will be pleased to know
that this video has it's share of "why didn't I think of that and/or
WOW...that CAN be done without spending an arm and a leg" moments. Watch
this and other Steve videos and be prepared to be amazed !!!!! John B.
I love to have Steve's tested knowledge shatter my ideas of preparedness
and make it accessible to everyday people so we can empower our homes
and communities our spouse can relate to and incorporate them naturally
as well. I appreciate how you teach us about normal technologies and
guide us to buy realistic accessible and affordable tools/ components.
Thanks! Miguel R.
I have worked my whole life as a hands on fix anything kind of a guy and
learned most every thing by hands on application. This video is based on
hands on knowledge by Steve ,which will save me endless time and money
by trial and error to find out the results that Steve has given on this
video. Gary N.
You have provided so much information for the people of this world to
better themselves and to help their families in time of crisis. I wish
you the best and will continue to read your emails and buy your
products. You have shown me repeatedly, in a proper manner, that you
know what you are talking about in a field of so many pretenders. Craig
The lithium battery info was great. I avoided Li
rechargeables until the video explained them. I have a VC2 USB Battery
Charger, Lithium ion 14500s, and Lithium ion 18650s on order, the 14500s
destined for a Coast HP1 I found out about on one of the 1234 sites.
Nothing 'Harris approved' I've bought ever had any issues. Get the
video, it's full of great info. Ryan W.
We like it that you "love/test" this stuff...so that when we spend our $
we know we're not getting fake/junk and it's going to work. Really liked
the charger that charges various sizes of batteries as well as the cell
phone! Barbara T.
The videos Steven Harris makes are fantastic. I have learned so much,
and plan on rewatching all 3+ hours. They are that good. Mike E.
This is a good video, I'd like to think I have an OK bag, but in the
normal Steven Harris Fashion, I saw a few holes to be filled in after
watching this video. Dave D.
A refreshing perspective on how to select methods and equipment to meet
your emergency needs. The information presented in the video was clearly
the product of a LOT of personal experience and research. Cameron H.
Steven always has unique ideas, I call them my duh moments. Why didn't I
think of that type thing. Valuable ideas that are useful not only in
disaster situations but practical everyday items as well. Tim
This is a good video that teaches you more about how to think than what
to bring, even if there are 101 items in the video. If you are looking
for paint by numbers go somewhere else. Thank you for your dedication to
truth. In a genre filled with so much crap, your candor and knowledge
are refreshing. - Tim D.
Your cell phone is your life line. Most people do not take good care
of and good feeding of their cell phone. Its, Oh well... my battery is
almost dead again. Well NOT with me. I have spent more than 2.5
HOURS of video showing you how to keep your cell phone 100% charged ANYTIME
ANYWHERE in the world. This is great for people at home and going to
work and its a MUST HAVE for anyone that travels the world and especially to
the 3rd world. What I have come up with is ... well... extensive and
beyond out of the box thinking. Just go and read the testimonials
about the video... and you do NOT need to buy the video, you can see
everything that is in the video with my extensive comments on the items on
CellPhone1234.com. This site is still in the works and its growing.
The Videos will be released hopefully Feb 3rd 2016. EXTENSIVE reviews
from people like you about the video is at
http://www.Energy1234.com |
I first finished the Cell Phone Video, it was 2.5 hours long. Due
to feed back and questions from my testing circle of people.
I expanded it to 3 hours 45 minutes.
I know your busy, but thank you for what you do!
Yesterday I got back from a 10 day motorcycle cycle trip through Cuba,
where we mainly stayed in individuals homes. I used many of your cell
phone charging techniques to keep my CPAP running. The extension cord
and light bulb socket adapter proved to be key elements in my power kit
(carried on a motorcycle!). They enabled me to sleep in a bed every
night, despite 2 nights not having an outlet, and 1 night only having an
outlet in the bathroom. Two items I would never thought to take along if
I hadn't watched your video. Additionally, using your tip to check if
the power supply would handle 240v (it did) saved me from having to
carry a converter. Scott Y.
I appreciate your video's emphasis on the cell phone being your lifeline
and the importance in always keeping it charged to be prepared at all
times. I encountered the problems firsthand when we had a super typhoon
hit our island last August which took 3 months to fully restore power to
the whole island through the help of FEMA George P.
When I heard that there was a 3.75 hour video on charging your cell phone
I thought how is that possible? After watching the video I am amazed at
all of the unique to Steve Harris ideas in the video. Anyone who travels
both locally or internationally needs to watch this CellPHONE video. It
addresses the problems travelers encounter in almost every airport or
hotel they stay in. The simple, inexpensive components Steve Harris
recommends will make your life so much easier. If you can find a light
bulb or a car Steve teaches you how you can power your phone, have
light, or keep your tablet going. As a business traveler your cell phone
is often the single most important tool you bring along. It is often
your calendar, alarm clock, holds your electronic tickets and more.
Steve's instruction will ensure you never have it run out of power. He
shows you how to make sure it is charging, how to find power in crowded
airports or while delayed on a plane. You need to watch this CellPHONE
video, it is brilliant! Gordon K.
The content of the video was excellent. There were quite a number of
items that you addressed in this video that I have not heard you speak
about in the past (e.g. guest on TSP nor as a part of the Expert
Counsel). This video was more than just about charging your phone. An
example would be the ability to access data from USB drives. John
Once again you out did your self. A well done video. I learned a lot and
I pride myself on figuring out little life hacks like those. But you had
some things in there that I would have never come up with Steve. Well
done. Do you want to keep your cell phone charged anywhere in the
world anytime no matter what happens? This video is 2.5 hours long!
Every trick in the book and some that I guarantee you have never thought
of before. These are tips that have been taught to the US military. So
you can bet your life on them like I do. You have never seen anything
like this before. Harlan M.
You need to watch Steven Harris' Cell Phone video, Keeping Your Cell
Phone Charged Anywhere in the World! It is the most useful information
you'll ever learn on how to keep your cell phone, aka "your lifeline",
charged at ALL times regardless of the situation, including power
outages, world travel and no power outlets! I wasn't disappointed with
the unique and practical guidance in this awesome video. If you want
your cell phone charged at ALL times, watch this video and you won't be
disappointed either! Lee G.
Watching the Cell Phone video caused me to spend over $250.00 on Amazon.
The Cell Phone video gave me insight into many ideas and techniques that
I would have never thought of on my own. I have taken the information I
gained and incorporated it into my daily life. As a frequent traveler I
found the information it contained invaluable. I have been in situations
where this information would have really come in handy. Thank you Steven
for making my future travels more productive with less hassles. James R.
The video was excellent! Steve thinks outside of the box and gets down
to the basics with the one. The stuff is so simple, but its stuff no one
talks about. Being a Superstorm Sandy victim, I have a lot of preps I
thought. I just came back from a airplane trip and I really could've
used some of these things while I was away! - Joe C
The cell phone video is truly excellent. Not only will you learn how to
power your phone in virtually any situation, you are also taught
multiple techniques for those situations. Steve also shows how to expand
the capabilities of your phone, so that you have an almost limitless
amount of storage. I would highly recommended this video to anyone that
once to get the most out of this communications tool. John E.
This video is full of ideas and methods that made me smack my forehead
and think "why didn't I come up with that?!" The versatility and
comprehensiveness of the power "harvesting" methods in this video are
the best I've ever seen, and definitely worth your time and money. Not
only are there great tips on how to keep your devices charged on the go,
but there is a great section on how to turn your cell phone or tablet
into an extensive media and resource library using some very easy and
affordable tools. To find out how to do any and all of this, I highly
recommend getting the video! If you're like me and rely on a smart
device for work or just for day-to-day life, this video is well worth
your money and time. Kyle W
"Steve has once again gone 'above and beyond the call' to provide lots
of fantastic information about charging your phone ten ways to Sunday
and a whole lot more useful and cool stuff. The part where he shows you
how to store massive amounts of information like documents, audio, and
movies for your phone is worth watching the video by itself. If you ever
have a dead cell phone again after watching this video, it's your own
fault!" William M.
If you're interested in never running out of power for your cell phone
again, check out the video by Steven Harris. The cell phone video covers
a variety of items you can buy as well as practical tips he shares with
those who take his classes. Steven even shows a method I never thought
of for charging your phone in a room with no electrical outlet. Matt F.
I liked the video and found it to be helpful in many ways. Since I have
watched other 1234.com videos, there were some items that I had already
seen and incorporated into my emergency preparedness preparations. But,
there was a preponderance of new items that I had not thought of that
made this video very worthwhile. I am anxious to see the other videos,
yet to be released, and see what else I can learn. Thank you for your
efforts. William M.
This video was another great example of Steve's work. It was
comprehensive and fully understandable, He was coming up with some
really ingenious and unorthodox combinations of stuff. I love how every
set up that Steve showed was functional, easy for anyone to do, and
actually useful. Sure, this stuff could save your bacon in an emergency,
but it could also make your life easier right now. Corey S.
I consider myself an intelligent handyman and engineer, but I can't
believe how I overlooked such simple and effective methods for charging
my cell phone, nor how little I actually understood about what was
happening in the phone charging process until I watched this video. The
video is expertly presented in an unscripted style using language and
techniques a novice can understand but backed up with details an
engineer can appreciate. After watching the cell phone charging video I
don't think I will ever look at an ordinary light bulb the same way
again. Scott Y. Milwaukee WI
I was definitely skeptical before watching the cell
phone charging video. I have a few chargers and can normally keep them
all in check. I was impressed by some of the out of the box thinking
that Mr. Harris showed in this video. My favorite bit was on how to have
unlimited storage on your cell phone. I have a Samsung Note 5 and opted
for the 64gb version because who doesn't love extra space. Now if I
manage to fill that up with music and videos , which I must say take up
tons of space; I have no worries as I can have unlimited data storage
thanks to his little bypass. Just like his other videos, it is
absolutely brilliant! Explained simply enough that my kids could watch
it and take the components and do it themselves. Knowledge is power, but
having an easy way to pass that knowledge onto others is ingenious. This
is a must have for anyone who travels or others like myself who need a
kick in the rear to see what is right in front of them. Thank you so
much for your time and dedication to passing on your knowledge and
educating us. Eric B.
This is a pretty in-depth video. If you just want to have a single
backup for occasional power loss and not an overall philosophy of always
having power and always being able to adapt to your surroundings, this
video is not for you. Just go buy a decent external lithium-ion battery
pack (the Limefuel battery that Steve recommends for $20 is great) and
make sure you have a car charger and call it a day. I am not satisfied
by this and want to have more options and more power. I want to make
sure my wife and kids devices are always able to function for both theme
park trips as well as potential emergency situations, and I also love
being able to provide a MacGuyvered solution for friends and coworkers.
This video is FULL of ways to chain adapters to power your gear from
everything from car batteries to hotel lamps to photovoltaics. You'll
also learn about methods that might seem like a good idea (at first but
are NOT good ideas in the real world like most solar charging panels)
and you'll learn how to troubleshoot charging problems to find out if
the problem is the outlet, the adapter, the cord, or the device. I think
the best argument for buying this video comes by browsing the list of
goodies at http://cellphone1234.com. You'll see all of these great
chargers, adapters, batteries, etc. Steve gives you good nuggets of
information about each one, but the video itself takes all of these
pieces and puts them together into a charging engine. This is my first
full Harris video product, but I've seen his other sites and have always
been impressed by his unconventional uses of gear and well-researched
equipment lists. If his other videos are as good as this one, I need to
get those ASAP! PS - USB power meters and Edison socket adapters are
awesome. If you want to know more, check out the video. David G.
I've been an electrician for over 16 years and never thought to
bring a 15' extension cord to the airport LOL. Loaded with lots of great
tips. Jason N.
This is the video to watch for anything and everything you need to be
able to charge, and keep charged, your cell phone or tablet. So many
ideas in this video that never came to mind. You should really watch
this video. Alvin P
I thought my cell phone kit was in good shape, but Steve showed me how
to kick it way up. With a few additions and upgrades, I can charge my
phone anywhere in the world, including the extreme rural areas of some
third world countries. A few more additions allow me to share outlets in
public arenas and to extend the reach of hotel outlets. The use of
inline metering to troubleshoot equipment and to evaluate charging
efficiency is definitely something no one else teaches except for Steven
Harris. There's a lot more, including the strengths and weaknesses of
solar charging. All in all, this video was definitely worth viewing. Don
I have watched your Cell Phone Video last week and I was truly
impressed. It was just as you said, "Why didn’t I think of that?" I have
seen people in airports fighting for the outlet. Your technique is
outstanding and most appreciative. Also, your Limefuel batteries and
their use was great. I have bought two of them for my kit. I haven’t
finished putting my Cell phone kit together yet, but I am almost there.
Chris C.
Would you like to know how to keep yourself from becoming a helpless
sheep when things don't go your way? Take Steve's courses and learn how
to prevail and be comfortable when life doesn't go your way!
Andrew I.
I Love everything you do!!!! Very practical, no BS,
and tested! Thank you Debi M.
You should see this video. And after that, if you have a dead cell phone
it's your own fault. Don't let this happen to you. David D.
Steve has produced another excellent video to help us get prepared for
the next disaster or just to be prepared. Richard M.
After watching the bug out bag video, Steve mentioned that some of the
ideas and items were covered in greater detail in the cell phone video.
So I purchased the video and was extremely pleased with the content.
Steven does an excellent job, as usual, at giving us practical and
affordable ways to deal with inconveniences and/or emergencies while
traveling, so our cell phones can stay charged and ready for use. Rick
In this video Steve shows very simple and pragmatic approaches to
harvesting power for your cellphone needs. I have acquired and now use
many of the items shown. This advice has saved me a ton of money in
trial and error and hopefully prevented in disaster mistakes! Jan
Hey Steve, I just bought and watched the Cell Phone
video. And once again, I am amazed at what I learned and what I didn't
know. To be honest, I almost didn't buy it. I said, what can Steve say
in over 3 hours about ways to charge my cell phone??? But every time I
watch one of your video's I learn well over 10 times what the cost was.
So, once again, this was incredibly cheap knowledge and money well
spent. Now, I'm on my way to watch the Bug Out video. Very much looking
forward to that one too. As always keep up the incredible work. You've
been a HUGE help in my life, man. - Josh S.
This video opened my eyes on what I can do in almost any environment to
charge my phone. This tutorial is a must-have. For the price of a couple
of lattes at your local coffee shop, you can stop worrying about
charging your phone--anywhere. Robert S.
http://www.Energy1234.com This
is where I'm putting all of our videos right now, so they are in one
place and you can get COMBO deals on them and get them even cheaper.
What is my mission? To give you the best stuff on the internet on
Family Preparedness for FREE. If I have an audio interview or a
podcast on the subjects then its FREE. You can listen to it on the
page with just one click from your cell phone or computer. If you want
to SEE EVERYTHING that I have in a video or talk about in a podcast its ALL
up there for you to see for FREE. With Extensive Comments From ME.
I type every single description of those items and I own almost 100% of all
of those items or a version of those items. I've been at this since
the 1990's. I have played with a lot of stuff. While I'm a gear
head I VERY VERY MUCH preach that its not what you have, its WHAT YOU KNOW.
I teach you principles and concepts regarding items for preparedness.
Its then UP TO YOU to decide WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU (because I'm NOT you!)
and ...that's nice..that I can use...that will work... nope... not that one
etc... This makes my pages TIMELESS. If something I have up
there is no longer available in year 2025, and you are listening to my
stuff, well, I've given you the knowledge to find the right tool for
yourself that IS available in 2025. I really really try to make
my teaching and education timeless such that they won't expire.
There ARE EXTENSIVE reviews from people up on Energy1234.com about the
videos that I have out. These are the original words from people
who have watched it and emailed me their comments. Also.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed is on EVERY SINGLE VIDEO I offer.
If at anytime you don't think that video was worth every single penny you
purchased it for you email me and I'll give you a prompt and courteous
refund. (ceo at KnowledgePublications dot com) This can be tomorrow, it can
be a year from now, it can be 5 years from now. That is how much
I KNOW you will LOVE what I am showing you in the videos that I have done.
Hey.. its just money. Its NOT worth hard feelings with someone over
just money. I'm not rich, I drive a 2001 Dodge Diesel Pickup truck,
and there is no BMW behind it but I know what makes you rich in life,
and that is your family, your friends and the people you associate with.
I want all 3 of those to be rich for me and you are all part of my friends
and the people I associate with. |
- What pulled me to your products was the no
nonsense approach to the how and why first, and the what second. I
appreciate someone who just "spits it out" without lulling me to sleep
first. The content of your topics is always based in either tried and
true methods and common sense, and/or some kind of ingenious innovation
in the ways to use everyday products. Everything I've purchased from you
(your videos), and your other items since then, I.E Silverfire Scout
stove, have vastly exceeded my expectations. When a company treats
people the way I've been treated, it's supremely refreshing and
absolutely keeps them coming back. Thanks again! Branden Z.

93 prep items
http://www.FirstAid1234.com is my firstaid website. It includes a
1.5 hour audio class from Steven Harris on first aid for Preppers.
This is NOT your "Red Cross" first aid class !!! I tell you
things you will NEVER ever hear in a "Red Cross" class. Red Cross 1st
Aid is for everyday life, my class is for first aid in a disaster.
What will you need to treat and protect first ?? why ? how often?
What will happen when you do not ? I have a complete list of
supplies ALL with MY comments (and photos) of how and why I use
these. This is so you can make an intelligent decision on
what YOU need for YOUR first aid kits. My kit is not your kit,
someone else's is not your kit. Only YOU can make YOUR kit. |
68 prep items |
http://www.Radios1234.com Everything from Ham, Marine, Air
Band, Short Wave, AM/FM, Scanners, FRS, GMRS to CB. I cover it all and
I give you the hard and straight facts on what works and why, and what
to avoid like the plague. I have radio and communications stuff on here that you've never thought of. Including
how to get emergency recue people to come help you with one click of the
radio. Coast guard, military, state police helicopter or any
Search and Rescue, with one click of the radio, you can say I'm HERE and
they will find you, or.. you can stand there and scream and wave your
t-shirt like a freak in hopes that they hear you. I also have
radios that will allow you to listen around the world for news as well
as simple PROVEN radios that will allow you to keep in touch with your
family and friends in your local area.
- If you dont
get over to Radios1234.com during or after this interview you
are cheating yourself out of a HUGE range of resources that
Steven Has Made Available to you that go along with an clarify
many things in this episode. Jack Spirko. |
- This show was informative
to me, even though I have been a ham operator since I was 14
(late 40's now). Backwoods Engineer
- Steve, you knock it out of the park every time you are on the
show. Do what you do, man. Its great stuff. HFS
- Thank you
Steven for yet another information packed podcast. One of my
other likes, other than flashlights, is radios. I have fond
memories back in the 80's with my Radio Shack SW60. I bought it
in 1984. Brent E.
- Another fantastic fact
filled episode with Steven Harris. John P.
- VERY detailed true story of how communications taught in this class
played such an important role in the real life evacuation of a family is
PREP1234.com (NEW)
126 prep
http://www.Prep1234.com Well if its not power, energy, batteries, solar, first aid. a rocket
stove or a radio related item then its on this new 1234 website.
Its all about preparedness and the tools and items I HAVE own, owned, or
used for preparedness situation of all types. Home, Car, Light (oh..some
great things on light.) So check it out and take a look at this
new, and growing... website. Be sure to read my comments on each
item. The comments are from ME, NOT cut and pasted from the
manufacture. I tell you what it is, how I've used it, what its
for, what its not for, when you should have it, if you don't need it
etc... Reading my comments is like a reading a preparedness book
in itself. |
- Bro! Huge Fan.. I have 3 systems off grid based on your Knowledge
and Experience. Ive got a Mobile Truck Box connected to the Alternator
with a 60w solar panel and two charge controllers exactly like the one
you made for TSP... My Life actually depends on Solar 100% here in San
Diego. I would NOT have been able to run an entire FARM, Well,
Greenhouse, Aquaponics, and Solar Satellite WiFi with laptops, 3D
Printer and much more without YOU.. Love you brother. keep up the
good work. I also own almost everything on Prep1234.com including
Eneloop AA/AAA and even the small Sony icf-s10mk2 pocket radio and use
it DAILY. ALL of your suggestions are SPOT ON. Fuel Storage,
Distillation, and Water movement. Shurflo pumps work AWESOME.. Both 12v
& 110v for uphill pumping.. I cannot thank you enough!! Bryan K. |

3 Stoves & 2 other
items |
http://www.RocketStove1234.com This page has AWESOME Rocket Stoves and Wood Gas stoves that can
cook for you and your family or 50 people. All different types and
sizes. All of the stoves burn TWIGS, STICKS, Small Branches so
they all use FREE FUEL. Also, I have a thermal electric device
that will charge your smart phone (fast!) by putting it on top of the
stove. |
www.ScoutStove.com |
is the website for the latest and new Stove that we sell. Its 12oz in
weight, all stainless steel, folds down into nothing, very compact, burns
sticks, twigs and pine cones and bark and more. Lights fast and burns
clean because its a true wood gas stove. We just launched this
website, so you need to go to it for the details. There are MANY
photos and 2 videos of the Stove. Its just so darn easy to use and so
neat. You'll want one. |
66 books and
DVDs on Everything Energy
http://www.KnowledgePublications.com My main corporate website where I have 66 books and DVDs on
everything energy you could want. Solar, hydrogen, fuel cells,
biomass, bio-gasification, wind, hydro, solar cooking, solar heating,
alcohol production and even more. |
http://www.iMakeMyGas.com Everything on how to
make MOONSHINE Car fuel, legally, yes. It makes
moonshine (illegal in the USA) and it makes 198 PROOF car fuel (legal in
the USA, with free permit from US Government). Great 21 min video
at top of the page that shows you EXACTLY how to ferment and distill
alcohol. There is NO EASIER way in the world than this way.
If you have moonshine during a disaster, you can
get ANYTHING you want. Its liquid Gold!!
- I have made about 20 gallons of approx 180
proof ethanol fuel. I runs ok in the mower just by running with
the choke on to block air flow....same with trimmer. I mixed it
just like gas with two cycle oil. I'm sure it would do better if
I had increased to 200 proof but it worked ok. I made it from
sugar I bought from a warehouse, a pallet had gotten wet and was
solid as a rock. Well for making fuel it worked fine and for
what I paid I could have only bought ten gallons of gas. I am
going to try making some from starch and sugar (garbage
donuts).....I have convinced a market manager to let me have
some that's way past the day old stuff that they sell that are
really days old. Tom N.
Love you, Steve! This is my second still. We appreciate you so much for
your generosity & expertise. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. You are
helping so many grateful people! Diana R. RN |
The #1 book in the world on how to survive a nuclear emergency is
Nuclear War Survival Skills written by Cresson Kearny. Cresson
spent a great deal of his life perfecting this book when he was a
scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratories. You can make a
shelter in your back yard, in your house and a variety of other places.
All of this can happen before or AFTER a nuclear detonation. The
emphasis on the book is making a quick shelter from radiation AFTER a
nuclear emergency has already happened. It uses things that are in
the everyday home that you have right now. No special skills or
items are needed.
The book is FREE to download in .PDF form
http://www.NuclearWarSurvivalSkills.com You can also get a
printed copy of the book sent to you overnight from Amazon (link on the
site) and the book is also available for Kindle from Amazon.
Either way, right now, you can instantly have this life saving
information in your hands. The site is hosted in the cloud at
RackSpace and the files are with Amazon S3. It can handle millions
of people a day hitting the site. |
www.USH2edu.com |
http://www.USH2edu.com ....an online elearning version of
www.USH2.com focused on stuff you can
instantly download ... really pretty cool, check out the Fuels
Video...everything you never knew about each fuel and fuels that
you never even heard of. |
http://www.StevenHarris.net Hey... I have to have one website with my full name in it, this is
all about me and my background. This is a more extensive
version of this site with more details. Steven1234.com is designed
to be an easy to remember website I can tell you over the radio so you
can remember it and find out all about me and my other websites and free
stuff I have to offer. |
I have been buying books, DVDs, downloadable
media and actual products from Steve Harris for years. This guy is the
"real deal". He is an engineer, worked extensively in the auto industry,
has actually built and modified engines to run on practically anything,
knows thermodynamics and is the best "go to" person on anything energy.
If you want to lean how to have electricity in a blackout, this is the
guy who will teach you in detail how to do it. None of the usual BS
about running your car on water or perpetual motion free electricity
forever from the earth's magnetic field. If you like solar, you need his
"Sunshine to Dollars" book. Really practical stuff including how to
build your own solar heaters, solar cookers and more. You want hydrogen?
He shows how it is really made on an industrial scale and how to use it.
- Richard S.
Steven has changed the way my family views disaster preparedness in many
ways. Just a few of them are:
1. Instead of fear we have confidence.
2. When disaster strikes we will be part of the solution not the
3. We will now not only be able to help our family but our friends and
neighbors as well.
4. And finally. We will always have ways to communicate with our
loved ones to let them know we are OK in disaster situations.
I urge
everyone to watch Steven's videos and listen to his advice. He has
put a lot of time, effort and thought into everything he brings to
the table. One again thank you Steven Harris. - Harlan M.
...and there is a heck of a lot more of them to come.
EMAIL Steven Harris |
US: support =at= knowledgepublications (dot) com
If it bounces back or if you have a problem please email me at
h2fuel -at- mail (dot) com.
Note: that is mail.com NOT Gmail.com |
If you like what I
am doing on this page and with giving away free preparedness classes and
free lists of useful things for preparedness and disaster then please
post this image on your facebook wall for me, and add some of your own
comments to it about how these pages have been helpful to you.
Make sure you put
www.Steven1234.com in your comment.
Thanks - Steve |